Get Involved


As a community member you can contribute to the cause by donating through our web link. You can also get involved by spreading awareness of our website to others in the community so that they can get helpful information. Lastly, as a community member you can help our cause by signing up for our free monthly e-newsletter which has deals from our local businesses that are contributing to our cause.

School Administrators

School Administrators can get involved by making our bully reporting program known to the students. This can be done by providing our link on the school website or asking your IT department to embed our submission form on the school website. School Administrators can also request our advocates to come to the school to present our Anti-Bullying Campaign. Finally, School Administrators can get involved by making it easy for our advocates to work directly with the school if a bully report comes into our system for their school.

Teachers and Staff

Teachers and Staff can get involved by either presenting our Anti-Bullying Campaign to their students or by asking one of our advocates to come by and make the presentation. Our Anti-Bullying Campaign presentation is available for free to download on our website. It is important for students to be aware of zero toleration for bullying and to make the resources available to them known.


Students can get involved by making the resources for bully victims known by spreading the awareness to other students. Also, students can talk to their school about making a club affiliation for Band Against Bullying. We work with students and offer community service hours to those working to benefit our mission.